Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Royal Conlcusions

I saw The Queen today (the movie, not an actual queen) and it was a very interesting story, to say the least. When we got out of the theater, there were mixed feelings from the three of us that went. I loved the movie. S thought it was kind of monotone and I thought... I'm not sure what she thought about the movie, but she agreed with the queen's reaction to all of what happened.

I'm not really sure our determination on the movie come from the same perspective. Yes, the movie was monotone in the sense that it carried on with one same thing over and over and over again... for those of you who haven't seen it (this won't be a spoiler, though) it's all about how the queen, and the "establishment" (as they call the British Monarchy), deal with princess Diana's death.

First of all, I don't know THAT much about princess Diana. I remember a long time ago reading a lot a about her, randomly knowing she suffered from bulimia, was cheated by her royal husband and pretty much had a nasty life all around. depression included... However, she seemed to have truly made an impact on people.

If we all go deeper into this social impact that she had, one might say that she's the triumphant underdog. What do I mean by this? Well, she was cast aside from the royal establishment basically because she was the first one, inside the royal family, to get a divorce. (even though apparently EVERYONE knew that prince Charles was having an affair... aaand now that I read up on my princess Diana, apparently so was she) but non the less, she managed to show the world that she cared. She was one of the first public figures to publicly touch an AIDS infected person... she did lots of humanitarian stuff. But I wonder where, all through that path, did she find herself alongside people such as Mother Teresa and Ghandi.

It's all very interesting, and as an avid wikipedite (word I'm almost sure doesn't exist. at least not in english... i googled it) I'm going to see what else I can learn from all this.. But going back to the movie...

When the queen had to decide to go against all that she had already decided, even hundreds of years of protocol... (if protocol had been followed, princess Diana, because of her extramarital affairs, should have been hung to death... literally). Wow... that is humility at it's greatest.

She retracted her actions before the whole world to show sympathy. compassion. just to give others a break... and did nothing illegal by doing so.

It's hard for me to see the impact Diana had on society. Probably because I don't belong to that particular society... I mean, I wouldn't be that bothered if the president died (I'm sorry if that sounded horrible. But it's for the sake of making an honest point). Fine... the president here has not (yet) caused as much revolt and social impact as princess Diana, but still, I wouldn't be moved to tears... and given my prone-to-selfishness nature (which I'm trying to get rid of, thank you very much) would most likely not give his death a second though... But people are entitled to be overwhelmed by their choice of emotions and thoughts.

Ok I guess this is enough on the queen and all this. I'm not even sure I made a point... It was all interesting to marinate in.

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