Friday, November 24, 2006


People don't change... But they can, they just don't because it's easier not to...

Am I going to change? I ask myself. Yes... It will not be easy. It will not be pleasant. It won't be fast nor noticeable. At least you won't think so... But it will be. It will be everything you wished for and more. It will be true and permanente if you give yourself in with all of your heart.

There are things you do because they tell you to. Not this. This is because you have no other option. You were made for this. Destined for this. In your heart, the depths of your heart, you know it is what it is. And you willingly give in. You let yourself stumble onto the darkness holding on to a promise of light. And surely: there it is. And you rejoice in the fact that those are the things you said you were made for. And that day: Today, you are there, and in your heart there was never any other option... sanctified.