Wednesday, May 23, 2007

the chronicles of boston - day 3: Harvard is really, really pretty

Today's class was awesome, to say the least. I mean, we didn't do too much, other than throw around some thoughts about communication and theories, but I liked it.

My classes seem to be everything - and more - than what I'd expected them to be. They're actually small groups. My 201 class (intro to comm writing) is about 12 persons and my 380 class (theories and processes of comm...which apparently is a class that graduate students take) is only 8.

When I got to my 380 class I freaked out a little because although the girls already in class didn't look that old, they were in fact seniors... and I'm almost a sophomore (para los que no sepan, senior es de ultimo año y sophomore es de segundo año) so I though that maybe the class was going to be too difficult for me to get a grasp of.... Buuut no. Class started off very interesting and I was actually able to participate with smart answers.

We got out of class early and I went and bought my books (which are unbelievably interesting by the way) and then walked for like the next 45 minutes to go see where I had to pay something that I ended up not paying... that was nice.

After that I got home and we were supposedly going to go to Harvard and get something to eat with a friend of Zoe, so we got on the T (the train, called the T, as you can see... which is really the metro) and went off to Cambridge (the city where Harvard is).

Oh. My. God. Harvard is gorgeous. We ate at this amazing burger joint and then Zoe's friend, Nick, gave us the most interesting tour I've ever been to... probably because of the fact that I could just interrupt and ask questions all the time.

The thing is, Nick is a total Harvard student. Which is amazing in the sense that Harvard students really are like students students... he knew so much about practically everything and was all articulate and stuff, but he was amusing and sweet in a "best-guy-friend" sort of way. He works at the Crimson, which is the school's newspaper, and he even gave us a tour of the building and we saw the press room and all of it... and I was swept away by the professional feeling of it all, even though it is completely , yes, let me say that again: completely by students... (theres like a board of advisers, but whatever)

So Harvard was awesome... I'm gonna go back there and see a little more of Cambridge and its surroundings... (and buy Harvard t-shirts. heh)

Got home, did my reading for tomorrow... loved every bit of it... (it's amazing when you actually are drawn by your subject of study, rather than just taking lame math courses you don't give a ping pong ball about)

I'm gonna go to bed now, because walking for hours is very tiring.... I mean literally, I think I've been walking (non-stop) for like a total of 2 hours every day. As opposed to the 15 minutes a day I walked in Tampico.

This place is just different.

I still don't feel that adapted but I figure I'm getting there. It's easier to hang with the roomies every day and well I've just had one class of both my subjects, I guess next week things will have settled down.

Till the next time y'all!


Anonymous said...

Maryyyy k ondis?! Oye ¿qué crees? Tu mom me dijo que si ella nos pagaba el flete de FedEx para mandarte cosillas jojojo. Así que espéralas pronto. Ah y si tienes algun encargo especial como mandarte tu almohada preferida o yo que se... nos mandas un mail.
Anyways...dude toma fotos de Harvad :D para verlo. Me imagino que bonito ha de estar por como lo platicas. Ah oye igual sube nose algunos trabajillos o escritos que hagas en tus clases..

Oye ps aquí todo sigue hmm igual. Ala oye HOY TEMBLÓ EN TAMPICO...en realidad fue una porquería el temblor pq en la tiendita (sq le esto ayudando a lore por una semana en la casita) no se sintió en lo absoluto. Pero si fue como que un evento histórico. Un temblor de 5.6 grados lo cual..NOSE CUANDO SEA JAJAJAJAJ pero si tembló.
Oie ps te dejo que me voy a bañar... cenar y hacer mi platiquilla. Que te diviertas mucho, aquí te esperamos :D Ciaooo

Anonymous said...

ME TRANSPORTE A HARVARD! y no mepuedo imaginar a Nick de otra forma q no sea con un chaleco y camisa de manga larga con convers :) jiji, maryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy te quiero, y estoy feliz de verte feliz .

p.d : O.Y.E

Anonymous said...

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey :)
awww que padree :D
que bueno que te estas divirtiendo y todo eso :)
tequieroo ^^