Tuesday, January 02, 2007

what I did today

Today was a weird day. I had a hard time falling asleep last night, so this morning when my mom woke me up at 9 I felt like someone had hit me with a sack of potatoes on the head. Nevermind that I wanted to sleep, my brothers and I had a long-overdue breakfast date with my mom, so with all the might I could muster up I changed (three minutes before leaving the house at 10) and washed my face, brushed my teeth and proceeded to go out and eat delicious bocoles...

Then I came back home and began cleaning up my desk/drawers, since one of the walls of my room is my whole desk... it's hard to explain, but it is... so, right now everything I had in my drawers is all over my desk and I'm planning on cleaning it up later... then I saw this movie I'd been wanting to see for a while called "The squid and the whale"... the whole concept was interesting, but as much as it amuses me, it disgusts me that indie movies always have to revolve directly or very strongly in an indirect way around sex... I'm sure the world really is filled with all those things delt with in indie movies (or any other movie really)... but they don't inspire, they don't lift up... they bring you down with a smack of cruel reality and no hope to hold on to.

I want to make movies that inspire... yes, like those cheesy disni (heh, I know it's spelled disney) movies where someone has no leg and becomes amazing at something anyway... but I want to mix things up... the indie drama, the disni dreams and hopes... movies that lift up peoples souls, not bring them down.

Life is not made to be a greek tragedy. Humans were created to sing and dance, not necessesarily in a literal way, but their hearts, their hears really were made for that. Our hearts are made for that, but we're too busy thinking about ourselves that we can't realize that....

So anyway, the movie was good-bad... and then I had my last family meal at my grandmas with my cousin. She's leaving to Monterrey for college. Lots of stuff comes up on those family meals that make me realize how much I've changed in these past years and yet how much I have still to change in the next.

Then I came home, my desk-mess was still there, so I just took a shower and prayed for a while... I had this weird feeling though. I couldn't concentrate when I was reading my Bible, and I didn't really know what to say to God, so I just prayed in tounges for a while and fell asleep after a while... woke up and headed up to church for the prayer meeting.

Now I have to finish practicing my guitarl... so I'm leaving now. But I wrote! So that's good... and I took out everything that was in my car before it pilled up into a WHOLE lot of mess, so I'm glad about that.

I'm organizing my life this week, so I won't go out alot... which means I'll much likely write some more in the next few days.

1 comment:

abr said...

Hey yo vi esa movie en España, doblada claro, y se llamaba: Una Historia de Brooklyn mgmgmg. Tiene cosas buenas, en general el personaje del hermano mayor está super interesante, pero pues estoy totalmente de acuerdo con lo que dijiste.