Monday, January 08, 2007

rise and shine, cold weather and jaja

School starts in exactly eight hours... but I'm so awake it's ridiculous.

I want to write. I want to dance. I want to jump up and down. I want to finish Itzel's present. I want to clean up what is left to clean up of my room. I want to... I don't know.

Today was a good day, I guess. Unexpected things happened.

The first thing was that I actually woke up early today! I even had time to read and be a while in the morning before leaving for chuch... I pretty pretty please hope that tomorrow I can wake up as chipper and bright as I woke up today.

Then it was cold. Which is like the best thing ever. I love cold weather. When you get to wear sweatshirts and scarves and your hair down (ok, so that's only me... but I get really warm with my hair down!)

Then I rested and hung out with my mom and my brothers, had sushi (I'm re-starting the apple diet tomorrow... I seriously have to be more permanent and less permisive with EVERYTHING)

Then I went to the movies and theeen home.

Then I entered an alternate universe and talked to a version of myself almost 4 years later. It was cool. (wink, wink S.W. from A but living an hour and a half from N.O....... that was me discreetly hinting and hoping you'd get the shout out)

Now I'm just writing in my blog, sitting, listening to music, about to go write in my real life journal... heh. the one which you can't read, but it's ok, this one is far more entertaining... this one I write for your reading pleasure. (not really, but I tend to think it alot more than what I write about in the other one)

OOhh! and a dear friend of mine bought me really cute pj's from A&F that I love!! Thank you Pr.
Thank you God, today was a good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a good day, and make me feel better you like the pj´s I gave you. I expect to see you in the movies with the pj´s oks?