Saturday, January 06, 2007

dreams of giants

I had this sort of vision a few days ago...

I was standing in what seemed to be a wheat field... everywhere you looked, there was this amazing bright yellow wheat holding me with its glow. The wind was blowing softly but strong enough to make the wheat sway... it was like I was standing in the middle of a golden sea being caressed by the reflection of the waves.

Suddenly, right in front of me, this giant dressed in what I can only describe as a Goliath-esque armor began running towards me. His eyes, filled with a jealous zeal as he was pacing faster and faster. He held in his right hand a winnowing fork.

This giant was running, and right there, in that very moment, I knew that that giant was the Lord of hosts. And he was running in an almost complete frenzy. He was running for me...

He was defending me. He was jealously claiming my heart over. And with every sway of his winnowing fork he was making his way towards me.

As I stood there taken aback by the terrible beauty of the whole ordeal He was firmly whispering to my heart...

"I love you. With a zeal you do not understand nor do you comprehend. I want you. With an absurd passion. I desire you. With an intense devotion. You are mine... no one else's. You are mine and I am yours and I will fight for you forever."

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