Respuesta a los comments...
el edificio es en efecto parte del MIT, aunque el MIT no es asi como te imaginas el IEST o el TEC que son dos que tres edificillos... son una CIUDAD bestialmente enorme llena de edificios y de lugares asi.
La señora... wow... la historia de la señora la guardo para después porque ya me voy a dormir y si empiezo, nunca voy a terminar.
no tomo tantas fotos porque no he hecho tantas cosas.
nunca vas a estar lista mentalmente para tu partida. ja!
también les mando un millon de te quieros... pero que asco un cacahuate tostado
ya puse una foto nueva de mi roomie. La que se ve es zoe.
no estoy muy sgura que significa O.Y.E... vane, si quieres aclararnoslo a todos
Frank Gehry en realidad es bastante famoso.
la pagina de las fotos la voy a hacer si veo que tomo más fotos. ahorita he estado subiendo las más relevantes.
vayamos juntas a europa? de donde salio eso? jajaja
Boston huele a jabon para lavar trastes orgánico... porque con ese jabón lavo trastes. porque mis roomies son súper ecológicas... y como casi siempre yo lavo los trastes, a eso huelen mis manos y por ende siento que a eso huele todo. las otras veces Boston huele a arboles y a hojas, y es lo más delicioso que hay.
si no viste le final de Stranger than fiction entonces no viste la pelicula! tienes que ver el final! el final es el chiste de la pelicula.
cuando empezaste a aprender italiano? jajajaja...
Los amo! a los que dejaron comments y a los que no!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
tonight's doings
hahahaha... the comments are precious! I'll be sure to answer them in my next entry tonight. Right now, I'm off to get something to eat because I'm starving.
all my love!
all my love!
Monday, May 28, 2007
I set off the fire alarm while trying to toast a bagel in the stove.
These here are just pictures and recounts of what I did, I'm writing something more profound and interesting tomorrow, so be expectant.
First off... Friday we went to the park. Exhibit no.1 is roommate no.1 (erin) on the left side, covering visual contact of roommate no.2 (zoe) and roommate no.2's friend Nancy on the right. (by the way, roommates are awesome)

This next picture is for my mom, because she likes flowers!

Then, Saturday...
Saturday was my "explore" day. I took the T (the transportation thingy here, which is actually just the metro) to Chinatown, because I wanted to go see Chinatown (wouldn't that make sense?) and walked around for a bit. After walking there for about an hour I got creeped out and ran for the hills, quite literally almost, because I found myself walking through Boston Common, which is a huge park-like gargen. Throughout the whole time, I'm walking with my iPod and suddenly I hear this gong-esque sound. So I lower my iPod's volume and keep walking into a crowd when i realize it's some sort of Buddhist rite of some sort. I spot a few monks, dressed in their orange gowns, bald and most of them wearing glasses, walk in pairs. There's a long line of mostly Asian people and right then I spot it: a sign. It said something about Buddha's 27th birthday and prayer for peace. I hurried by and then found myself walking through narrow streets filled with antique shops and quaint restaurants...

I walked some more and stopped at a Starbucks for a nice, fresh iced mocha... read for about half an hour and decided to cross the bridge towards MIT...
That's me. Crossing. The bridge.

Then, for my dear architect friends and family, here's a building designed by F. Gehry, which gets even more beautiful as you get closer...

and closer...

aaaaand closer...

and then I was hungry and crossed the other bridge back...

So I'd been walking straight for like 3 hours (minus the half hour at Starbucks) and was tired, so I found a nice bench in the shade to read.
But then this lady started up a conversation with me that lasted six hours... from 5:30 until about 12 pm. Yes. It was intense. And yes, I am weird like that.
I'll tell you all about her later though.
Hope you like these pictures, be sure to leave mushy-love-filled comments!
These here are just pictures and recounts of what I did, I'm writing something more profound and interesting tomorrow, so be expectant.
First off... Friday we went to the park. Exhibit no.1 is roommate no.1 (erin) on the left side, covering visual contact of roommate no.2 (zoe) and roommate no.2's friend Nancy on the right. (by the way, roommates are awesome)
This next picture is for my mom, because she likes flowers!
Then, Saturday...
Saturday was my "explore" day. I took the T (the transportation thingy here, which is actually just the metro) to Chinatown, because I wanted to go see Chinatown (wouldn't that make sense?) and walked around for a bit. After walking there for about an hour I got creeped out and ran for the hills, quite literally almost, because I found myself walking through Boston Common, which is a huge park-like gargen. Throughout the whole time, I'm walking with my iPod and suddenly I hear this gong-esque sound. So I lower my iPod's volume and keep walking into a crowd when i realize it's some sort of Buddhist rite of some sort. I spot a few monks, dressed in their orange gowns, bald and most of them wearing glasses, walk in pairs. There's a long line of mostly Asian people and right then I spot it: a sign. It said something about Buddha's 27th birthday and prayer for peace. I hurried by and then found myself walking through narrow streets filled with antique shops and quaint restaurants...
I walked some more and stopped at a Starbucks for a nice, fresh iced mocha... read for about half an hour and decided to cross the bridge towards MIT...
That's me. Crossing. The bridge.
Then, for my dear architect friends and family, here's a building designed by F. Gehry, which gets even more beautiful as you get closer...
and closer...
aaaaand closer...
and then I was hungry and crossed the other bridge back...
So I'd been walking straight for like 3 hours (minus the half hour at Starbucks) and was tired, so I found a nice bench in the shade to read.
But then this lady started up a conversation with me that lasted six hours... from 5:30 until about 12 pm. Yes. It was intense. And yes, I am weird like that.
I'll tell you all about her later though.
Hope you like these pictures, be sure to leave mushy-love-filled comments!
Friday, May 25, 2007
- pictures of just about anyone and anything you'd think I like (so I can stick them in my walls) --- especially if it's a picture of you!
- my gray vans with the pink pain stains in them... I completely forgot to bring them and have nothing to wear with my "non-matching" outfits
- hugs-in-a-jar or something like that, because the lack of physical contact with ANYONE other than an occasional handshake is unsettling
- just general and random stuff to put in my walls
- love!!
heh. so today is my first day of "vacations" because I don't have class until Tuesday, so expect to hear all about it later on tonight
ohhh... and a hair brush because every time I go to the store I forget to buy it, so I've just totally done my hair with my fingers... yeah.
- my gray vans with the pink pain stains in them... I completely forgot to bring them and have nothing to wear with my "non-matching" outfits
- hugs-in-a-jar or something like that, because the lack of physical contact with ANYONE other than an occasional handshake is unsettling
- just general and random stuff to put in my walls
- love!!
heh. so today is my first day of "vacations" because I don't have class until Tuesday, so expect to hear all about it later on tonight
ohhh... and a hair brush because every time I go to the store I forget to buy it, so I've just totally done my hair with my fingers... yeah.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
the chronicles of boston - day 3: Harvard is really, really pretty
Today's class was awesome, to say the least. I mean, we didn't do too much, other than throw around some thoughts about communication and theories, but I liked it.
My classes seem to be everything - and more - than what I'd expected them to be. They're actually small groups. My 201 class (intro to comm writing) is about 12 persons and my 380 class (theories and processes of comm...which apparently is a class that graduate students take) is only 8.
When I got to my 380 class I freaked out a little because although the girls already in class didn't look that old, they were in fact seniors... and I'm almost a sophomore (para los que no sepan, senior es de ultimo año y sophomore es de segundo año) so I though that maybe the class was going to be too difficult for me to get a grasp of.... Buuut no. Class started off very interesting and I was actually able to participate with smart answers.
We got out of class early and I went and bought my books (which are unbelievably interesting by the way) and then walked for like the next 45 minutes to go see where I had to pay something that I ended up not paying... that was nice.
After that I got home and we were supposedly going to go to Harvard and get something to eat with a friend of Zoe, so we got on the T (the train, called the T, as you can see... which is really the metro) and went off to Cambridge (the city where Harvard is).
Oh. My. God. Harvard is gorgeous. We ate at this amazing burger joint and then Zoe's friend, Nick, gave us the most interesting tour I've ever been to... probably because of the fact that I could just interrupt and ask questions all the time.
The thing is, Nick is a total Harvard student. Which is amazing in the sense that Harvard students really are like students students... he knew so much about practically everything and was all articulate and stuff, but he was amusing and sweet in a "best-guy-friend" sort of way. He works at the Crimson, which is the school's newspaper, and he even gave us a tour of the building and we saw the press room and all of it... and I was swept away by the professional feeling of it all, even though it is completely , yes, let me say that again: completely by students... (theres like a board of advisers, but whatever)
So Harvard was awesome... I'm gonna go back there and see a little more of Cambridge and its surroundings... (and buy Harvard t-shirts. heh)
Got home, did my reading for tomorrow... loved every bit of it... (it's amazing when you actually are drawn by your subject of study, rather than just taking lame math courses you don't give a ping pong ball about)
I'm gonna go to bed now, because walking for hours is very tiring.... I mean literally, I think I've been walking (non-stop) for like a total of 2 hours every day. As opposed to the 15 minutes a day I walked in Tampico.
This place is just different.
I still don't feel that adapted but I figure I'm getting there. It's easier to hang with the roomies every day and well I've just had one class of both my subjects, I guess next week things will have settled down.
Till the next time y'all!
My classes seem to be everything - and more - than what I'd expected them to be. They're actually small groups. My 201 class (intro to comm writing) is about 12 persons and my 380 class (theories and processes of comm...which apparently is a class that graduate students take) is only 8.
When I got to my 380 class I freaked out a little because although the girls already in class didn't look that old, they were in fact seniors... and I'm almost a sophomore (para los que no sepan, senior es de ultimo año y sophomore es de segundo año) so I though that maybe the class was going to be too difficult for me to get a grasp of.... Buuut no. Class started off very interesting and I was actually able to participate with smart answers.
We got out of class early and I went and bought my books (which are unbelievably interesting by the way) and then walked for like the next 45 minutes to go see where I had to pay something that I ended up not paying... that was nice.
After that I got home and we were supposedly going to go to Harvard and get something to eat with a friend of Zoe, so we got on the T (the train, called the T, as you can see... which is really the metro) and went off to Cambridge (the city where Harvard is).
Oh. My. God. Harvard is gorgeous. We ate at this amazing burger joint and then Zoe's friend, Nick, gave us the most interesting tour I've ever been to... probably because of the fact that I could just interrupt and ask questions all the time.
The thing is, Nick is a total Harvard student. Which is amazing in the sense that Harvard students really are like students students... he knew so much about practically everything and was all articulate and stuff, but he was amusing and sweet in a "best-guy-friend" sort of way. He works at the Crimson, which is the school's newspaper, and he even gave us a tour of the building and we saw the press room and all of it... and I was swept away by the professional feeling of it all, even though it is completely , yes, let me say that again: completely by students... (theres like a board of advisers, but whatever)
So Harvard was awesome... I'm gonna go back there and see a little more of Cambridge and its surroundings... (and buy Harvard t-shirts. heh)
Got home, did my reading for tomorrow... loved every bit of it... (it's amazing when you actually are drawn by your subject of study, rather than just taking lame math courses you don't give a ping pong ball about)
I'm gonna go to bed now, because walking for hours is very tiring.... I mean literally, I think I've been walking (non-stop) for like a total of 2 hours every day. As opposed to the 15 minutes a day I walked in Tampico.
This place is just different.
I still don't feel that adapted but I figure I'm getting there. It's easier to hang with the roomies every day and well I've just had one class of both my subjects, I guess next week things will have settled down.
Till the next time y'all!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
My beautiful apartment
So here's us the morning I left

And this is my awesome desk (and by no means am I being sarcastic. I really do like my desk.) and my closet NOT with my coat, which I should have brought. But whatever now.

here's the other half of my room... which is a work in progress because I most definitively am going to get something to put on the walls. So if you guys want to send me something cool to put in my wall, I'd love it.

this is my bathroom... that thing in the sink is a "towel" a friend gave me. It's this small minnie mouse paper-y toy that's like the size of half an iPod and you just throw it in water and it grows into a towel. Which now I'm going to use as a hand towel... I know it looks weird, but it's not, it's actually pretty cool... I'm gonna go dry it now so I can use it later

this here is my kitchen. We made dinner tonight, my roommates and me... Oh, my roommates are Zoe and Erin and they're both really cool. Erin's a vegetarian. I don't know many vegetarians back home so we're gonna eat tofu sometime soon, I guess that should be interesting. I'm home alone right now because they went to a party somewhere and I went to buy a blanket because last night I almost died because of the cold (no, not really... but it was cold though)

and this here is our "living room"... which is not that livable, but it has bright and useful lighting during the day.

and the last picture here is of me, adapting and enjoying, learning and growing.

So tomorrow I'll probably upload some pictures of the city and write something substantial. I'm having a great time, but it's all so surreal and I feel completely disconnected to the world. Boston is going to be an amazing desert though, the city is beautiful, right out of a movie.
And this is my awesome desk (and by no means am I being sarcastic. I really do like my desk.) and my closet NOT with my coat, which I should have brought. But whatever now.
here's the other half of my room... which is a work in progress because I most definitively am going to get something to put on the walls. So if you guys want to send me something cool to put in my wall, I'd love it.
this is my bathroom... that thing in the sink is a "towel" a friend gave me. It's this small minnie mouse paper-y toy that's like the size of half an iPod and you just throw it in water and it grows into a towel. Which now I'm going to use as a hand towel... I know it looks weird, but it's not, it's actually pretty cool... I'm gonna go dry it now so I can use it later
this here is my kitchen. We made dinner tonight, my roommates and me... Oh, my roommates are Zoe and Erin and they're both really cool. Erin's a vegetarian. I don't know many vegetarians back home so we're gonna eat tofu sometime soon, I guess that should be interesting. I'm home alone right now because they went to a party somewhere and I went to buy a blanket because last night I almost died because of the cold (no, not really... but it was cold though)
and this here is our "living room"... which is not that livable, but it has bright and useful lighting during the day.
and the last picture here is of me, adapting and enjoying, learning and growing.
So tomorrow I'll probably upload some pictures of the city and write something substantial. I'm having a great time, but it's all so surreal and I feel completely disconnected to the world. Boston is going to be an amazing desert though, the city is beautiful, right out of a movie.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
life is good
Mariana :
leaves for pretty pretty boston in two weeks.
finds out her living arrangements in one.
is going to Encuentro 2007 and the Hillsong United concert in august.
has to study for her exams.
has a paper due tomorrow.
wants to see spiderman 3.
loves you... most of you... those she knows, at least.
leaves for pretty pretty boston in two weeks.
finds out her living arrangements in one.
is going to Encuentro 2007 and the Hillsong United concert in august.
has to study for her exams.
has a paper due tomorrow.
wants to see spiderman 3.
loves you... most of you... those she knows, at least.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Same thing
M: I was just talking on the phone with my father...
Anonymous: does he still read those magazines he used to read?
M: Yeah...
Anonymous: which one was it? Times New Magazine?
M: Time magazine?
Anonymous: Yeah, Times New Magazine...
by this point I'm laughin histerically because I already know what he means by "Times New Magazine"
Me: Say it again. Say it again. Which magazine?
Anonymous: Times New Magazine... no?
Me: Which one?
Anonymous: Times New Magazine.
Me: You mean New York Times?
Anonymous: oooohh.... yeah... that one.
For anonymity purposes I can't say who said this.
Anonymous: does he still read those magazines he used to read?
M: Yeah...
Anonymous: which one was it? Times New Magazine?
M: Time magazine?
Anonymous: Yeah, Times New Magazine...
by this point I'm laughin histerically because I already know what he means by "Times New Magazine"
Me: Say it again. Say it again. Which magazine?
Anonymous: Times New Magazine... no?
Me: Which one?
Anonymous: Times New Magazine.
Me: You mean New York Times?
Anonymous: oooohh.... yeah... that one.
For anonymity purposes I can't say who said this.
Mixing Consoles and Appendixes
V suddenly got sick yesterday and by days end she was being opened up and her appendix was being taken out.
I've never had an operation before. I'm not asking for one, but I have a very curious nature... being operated would be something interesting to experience. (except if it were something for like a broken hand or something. I could pass out just by thinking about breaking something and hearing the crack and seeing the muscle and blood all out and oh god no...) but if it were something inside I'd probably be interrogating the doctor dude as to what he's doing at every second I'm awake and able.
Last night I didn't play with the worship team for the prayer meeting. Because V was getting an operation I was asked to help out with the sound crew. Boy did I have fun.
If there's one thing I love almost as much as I love playing with a group is listening to music. And making that music sound "pretty" is even better. I love figuring out a way to put glory in His worship. Standing behind the mixing console... lower meds for the main voice, turn up gain on the internal mic, the guitar is too high, lower it a bit. the prayer's voice is too low... and the music starts to flow and God's grace over us in the sound crew can be felt by the way people that never noticed before, tonight notice that "the electric guitar sounded tonight, didn't it? I mean, like more than other times"... and it's amazing. And when you're up there moving this and that and checking to see if the singers can actually hear their voices or if the drummer can hear the prayer in his monitor it's like you're dancing. With your fingers. And before you notice it your head is not just bobbing with the beat, your whole body is feeling it. The music, but mostly, the Almighty's presence filling the room. And as you pray in tounges figuring out a way to make the other singer's voice sound good when she changes her mic, you can't help but smile when you feel and see that by His grace and mercy, tonight, the sound crew has put glory in His worship. We wrapped up the present and layed it at His feet.
I've never had an operation before. I'm not asking for one, but I have a very curious nature... being operated would be something interesting to experience. (except if it were something for like a broken hand or something. I could pass out just by thinking about breaking something and hearing the crack and seeing the muscle and blood all out and oh god no...) but if it were something inside I'd probably be interrogating the doctor dude as to what he's doing at every second I'm awake and able.
Last night I didn't play with the worship team for the prayer meeting. Because V was getting an operation I was asked to help out with the sound crew. Boy did I have fun.
If there's one thing I love almost as much as I love playing with a group is listening to music. And making that music sound "pretty" is even better. I love figuring out a way to put glory in His worship. Standing behind the mixing console... lower meds for the main voice, turn up gain on the internal mic, the guitar is too high, lower it a bit. the prayer's voice is too low... and the music starts to flow and God's grace over us in the sound crew can be felt by the way people that never noticed before, tonight notice that "the electric guitar sounded tonight, didn't it? I mean, like more than other times"... and it's amazing. And when you're up there moving this and that and checking to see if the singers can actually hear their voices or if the drummer can hear the prayer in his monitor it's like you're dancing. With your fingers. And before you notice it your head is not just bobbing with the beat, your whole body is feeling it. The music, but mostly, the Almighty's presence filling the room. And as you pray in tounges figuring out a way to make the other singer's voice sound good when she changes her mic, you can't help but smile when you feel and see that by His grace and mercy, tonight, the sound crew has put glory in His worship. We wrapped up the present and layed it at His feet.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Royal Conlcusions
I saw The Queen today (the movie, not an actual queen) and it was a very interesting story, to say the least. When we got out of the theater, there were mixed feelings from the three of us that went. I loved the movie. S thought it was kind of monotone and I thought... I'm not sure what she thought about the movie, but she agreed with the queen's reaction to all of what happened.
I'm not really sure our determination on the movie come from the same perspective. Yes, the movie was monotone in the sense that it carried on with one same thing over and over and over again... for those of you who haven't seen it (this won't be a spoiler, though) it's all about how the queen, and the "establishment" (as they call the British Monarchy), deal with princess Diana's death.
First of all, I don't know THAT much about princess Diana. I remember a long time ago reading a lot a about her, randomly knowing she suffered from bulimia, was cheated by her royal husband and pretty much had a nasty life all around. depression included... However, she seemed to have truly made an impact on people.
If we all go deeper into this social impact that she had, one might say that she's the triumphant underdog. What do I mean by this? Well, she was cast aside from the royal establishment basically because she was the first one, inside the royal family, to get a divorce. (even though apparently EVERYONE knew that prince Charles was having an affair... aaand now that I read up on my princess Diana, apparently so was she) but non the less, she managed to show the world that she cared. She was one of the first public figures to publicly touch an AIDS infected person... she did lots of humanitarian stuff. But I wonder where, all through that path, did she find herself alongside people such as Mother Teresa and Ghandi.
It's all very interesting, and as an avid wikipedite (word I'm almost sure doesn't exist. at least not in english... i googled it) I'm going to see what else I can learn from all this.. But going back to the movie...
When the queen had to decide to go against all that she had already decided, even hundreds of years of protocol... (if protocol had been followed, princess Diana, because of her extramarital affairs, should have been hung to death... literally). Wow... that is humility at it's greatest.
She retracted her actions before the whole world to show sympathy. compassion. just to give others a break... and did nothing illegal by doing so.
It's hard for me to see the impact Diana had on society. Probably because I don't belong to that particular society... I mean, I wouldn't be that bothered if the president died (I'm sorry if that sounded horrible. But it's for the sake of making an honest point). Fine... the president here has not (yet) caused as much revolt and social impact as princess Diana, but still, I wouldn't be moved to tears... and given my prone-to-selfishness nature (which I'm trying to get rid of, thank you very much) would most likely not give his death a second though... But people are entitled to be overwhelmed by their choice of emotions and thoughts.
Ok I guess this is enough on the queen and all this. I'm not even sure I made a point... It was all interesting to marinate in.
I'm not really sure our determination on the movie come from the same perspective. Yes, the movie was monotone in the sense that it carried on with one same thing over and over and over again... for those of you who haven't seen it (this won't be a spoiler, though) it's all about how the queen, and the "establishment" (as they call the British Monarchy), deal with princess Diana's death.
First of all, I don't know THAT much about princess Diana. I remember a long time ago reading a lot a about her, randomly knowing she suffered from bulimia, was cheated by her royal husband and pretty much had a nasty life all around. depression included... However, she seemed to have truly made an impact on people.
If we all go deeper into this social impact that she had, one might say that she's the triumphant underdog. What do I mean by this? Well, she was cast aside from the royal establishment basically because she was the first one, inside the royal family, to get a divorce. (even though apparently EVERYONE knew that prince Charles was having an affair... aaand now that I read up on my princess Diana, apparently so was she) but non the less, she managed to show the world that she cared. She was one of the first public figures to publicly touch an AIDS infected person... she did lots of humanitarian stuff. But I wonder where, all through that path, did she find herself alongside people such as Mother Teresa and Ghandi.
It's all very interesting, and as an avid wikipedite (word I'm almost sure doesn't exist. at least not in english... i googled it) I'm going to see what else I can learn from all this.. But going back to the movie...
When the queen had to decide to go against all that she had already decided, even hundreds of years of protocol... (if protocol had been followed, princess Diana, because of her extramarital affairs, should have been hung to death... literally). Wow... that is humility at it's greatest.
She retracted her actions before the whole world to show sympathy. compassion. just to give others a break... and did nothing illegal by doing so.
It's hard for me to see the impact Diana had on society. Probably because I don't belong to that particular society... I mean, I wouldn't be that bothered if the president died (I'm sorry if that sounded horrible. But it's for the sake of making an honest point). Fine... the president here has not (yet) caused as much revolt and social impact as princess Diana, but still, I wouldn't be moved to tears... and given my prone-to-selfishness nature (which I'm trying to get rid of, thank you very much) would most likely not give his death a second though... But people are entitled to be overwhelmed by their choice of emotions and thoughts.
Ok I guess this is enough on the queen and all this. I'm not even sure I made a point... It was all interesting to marinate in.
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